Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Obligatory "I've forgotten about my blog for a really long time but I intend to fix that now" post

Um...yeah.  Last year's Hike-a-Thon clearly wore me out.  I never even finished that post for the last week of August last year, and then I completely forgot about posting anything after H-a-T, too.  I have two really good excuses: first, cross country started; then, I started grad school!

Well, now it's July of 2013, and I'm signed up for Hike-a-Thon again, and I've been training a lot so I'm ready.  The highlights so far: a solo winter backpack trip to Columbia Mountain, 20-30 pounds of morel mushrooms while on spring hikes, a group trip to the Hells Canyon, a solo trip to the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness, and a group trip to the Pasayten Wilderness.

And here are some of the things I have in mind for Hike-a-Thon 2013: 1) raise lots of $$$ (please help!  follow my link & give WTA some cash!), 2) hit that goal of 325 miles this year! (last year I finished up at 275 miles), 3) go to the Glacier Peak Wilderness for a backpack trip of 50+ miles, 4) do the Cake Walk (all 43 miles of the Kettle Crest in one day!), 5) get a buch of huckleberries while hiking, 6) a buch of other hikes I haven't figured out just yet...anybody want to go hiking in August?  :)