Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 13, 2011

Diana organized a skijor demo day at Mount Spokane today.  I brought both Kari and Blaze, and met several non-skijor people who wanted to try the sport for the first time.  The first two people were on classic skis.  I let them each take a dog first, and even with only one dog apiece it was pretty tough to stay in front of them with the dogs.  On the way back to the starting point they took turns with both dogs.  I couldn't keep up!  It was pretty funny.  After that Blaze was pretty much done for the day.  The poor dog is such a wimp.  I don't think he liked the fact that I was letting strangers ski with him; he kept trying to climb into my arms as if he was a little puppy.  Of course, he's not a little puppy, so now I'm covered in bruises.  Kari seemed a little nervous, too, but she was still willing to get into her harness and pull, so I let the last lady take Kari while I worked with Blaze.  It's so much fun to see a person who has never tried it before take off for the first time--everybody seemed very surprised at how fast the dogs are.  I think we got a few converts to the sport today!

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