Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Less than a week!

The Wallowa backpack trip keeps getting shorter and shorter, but at least I'm hopeful that I won't have to cancel.  The 95-mile route to see the Minam Lodge and better understand a little family history (my aunt and uncle used to own it) is now on-hold until next year.  I think I can at least get to the lakes basin for a 40-50 mile route.  I'll have to figure out a few more long day hikes later to make up for lost mileage.  That shouldn't be too much of a problem, as I have a vast collection of guidebooks with multiple bookmarks for dream trips.  Anybody want to explore?

I am realizing that I'm still out of shape, however.  I did an easy 8-miler on the roads yesterday, and an easy 5-miler at Mount Spokane this morning, and I am so sore!  I'll have to mix my trail running with hiking, at least at the beginning, if I am to survive the nearly 11-mile per day average I'll need to reach 325 miles for the month of August.  Well, if I managed 306 last year while injured, I'm sure I can tackle this while merely sore.  So long as I don't end up re-injured!  Now I just need more sponsors!  Pretty please follow the link at the top and give the WTA some money for me!  :)

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