Saturday, January 7, 2012

Keeping Track

Craig Romano just posted his last year's mileage stats on Facebook and asked others to comment regarding their stats, and I realized that I have no idea outside of my Hike-a-Thon mileage! 

I have always been one to have good intentions and very little follow through when it comes to keeping something as simple as a training log for my running mileage.  I could dig out any of my old training logs (from high school or college or post-college) and locate entire sections that were completely blank.  It's not that I had zero mileage for all of those days, just that life got too hectic to write it all down.  Then there would be other sections, suspicious sections, where the mileage said "-ish" after it and all of the writing was done in the same pen.  These were the weeks of the educated guesses about mileage.  I'd be vacuuming and discover the training log under my bed and realize I hadn't written down any workouts for the past three weeks (and I probably hadn't vacuumed for that long, too)--but I could surely remember what I did (plus I wanted a cleaning break)!

So, this attempt is probably doomed to failure, but hey, aren't all resolutions?  And I don't have a resolution yet, so here it is: this year, I will keep track of my mileage.  Not just Hike-a-Thon, and not just running.  We'll see how far I can keep this up, but here is the start:

Sunday, 1/1:  I wanted to start the year running, so I ran from home to the end of Piper and back.  4 miles.  In the afternoon I met Diana and some other people for skijoring at Mount Spokane.  We went to the skijor turnaround and back, probably 5.5 miles.  I don't think I'll factor in my ski mileage, but it was a good double workout day for me.
Monday, 1/2:  Grading, grading, grading, and then escape for a loop north on Forker to Farwell, up the hill and then back to the house. 3 miles.
Tuesday, 1/3:  Back to work.  I escaped after school and did the Saltese Loop, then entered grades for a few more hours.  3 miles.
Wednesday, 1/4:  I thought it would be a good idea to go to Iller Creek for a nice run on this nice warm afternoon.  It wasn't a good idea, or at least it wasn't a good idea to take the tower trail.  It was so muddy!  I guess it was a nice soft running surface for my always-achy knees.  I finally gave up the idea of heading to the tower and slid back down to the creek-side trail to get a little more mileage in.  At least I didn't fall down (because I left all of my extra clothes at school)!  Then it was back to school to work a little bit longer.  4 miles.
Thursday, 1/5:  Bowdish Loop from school.  There were golfers at Painted Hills!  3 miles.
Friday, 1/6: Dishman Hills Natural Area.  I ran the loop that goes up to the high point in the Natural Area--I think it's called Eagle Peak?  There were a lot of people out walking tonight.  2.5 miles.
Saturday, 1/7:  I started at mom & dad's and ran Antoine Peak, lower trail to turn-around time.  I finally started feeling like a runner again today; the rest of the week has been fairly slow and painful.  4.5 miles.
Year to date = 24 miles (running); 0 miles (hiking)

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