Sunday, May 9, 2010

Morel hikes & summer plans

My hiking time has been devoted to morel hunting for the past few weeks.  I haven't found nearly as many as last year, but it has been fairly good this year.  I found the first few on April 9, so the morel season has been a lot longer this year than it has been in the past.  The woods have been so dry that I haven't found morels in the usual spots. 

These are the April 9th morels.

This was taken April 17th.  
I didn't find any morels this weekend,
but I did see this black bear and two moose.

These were the morels I found on May 1st and 2nd.  I also found this antler while I was out.  This one is not a shed--it was broken off.  My brother thinks it happened when two bucks were fighting.  Ouch!  This is the second antler I found while looking for morels this spring, and the fifth antler I found in total (so far!).

Then for the summer plans!  The Mountaineers Kinni deadline was Friday, so I have been working on my summer hikes.  I have two backpacks and two day hikes planned, and three of those events are slated for August (Hike-a-Thon!).  I also have a non-Mountaineers hike tentatively planned for August 1st.   If everything works out, I'll start Hike-a-Thon with a forty-five mile hike!  Time to start training!