Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finally back to running

Monday was the first day back to work, and it ended up being a tough one!  The heat was off in my wing of the building.  I was wearing a sweater, a soft-shell jacket, and my down jacket, plus my down mittens, and I was still shivering for most of the day.  I think it was worse for the kids since a few of them didn't even have coats, but it was also pretty tough to be in the room all day (at least the kids had a few classes on the warm side of the building!).  At any rate, I originally planned to run after school, but instead I felt too cold and miserable.  I stayed in my classroom, sitting in front of the space heater the custodians brought in during 5th period, sipping tea while I worked on grades.  I had to stay late, too, as I had an evening meeting.

By Tuesday our heating issues had been taken care of, so I don't have that excuse...I just ended up not running.  In fact, I ended up napping after work!  Oops.

Tonight I decided I needed to quit being such a sloth.  It snowed most of the day and it was so pretty out this evening!  I just did the easy three-mile loop we use for the Foothills Fun Run.  It's actually quite boring, and I was quite slow.  Oh, well, at least I'm doing something again!

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