Sunday, February 12, 2012


I thought I was a slacker last week!  This week was terrible for athletic endeavors.  I started feeling a little sick on Sunday afternoon, and by Monday I knew I had either a cold or perhaps even the flu.  I managed a three-miler in the Dishman Hills on Tuesday, but then felt even worse on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  I finally got a little exercise on Saturday.  I went up to Mount Spokane to test my wood skis for Langlauf (about 1 mile and my wax was terrible), then I switched to my (unwaxed since last week--oops!) skate skis for about three miles.  I was winded after the three miles!  I stayed on the mountain for the chalet open house, and then today I got the wax mostly right for Langlauf (10k, preceded by a mile test ski).  I won the women's wooden ski division, which wasn't hard since I was the only woman on wooden skis.  I also placed 5th in my age group.  Most importantly, I finally feel pretty healthy today.  We'll see if I can regain any momentum this week!

Totals: run = 3 miles; skate ski = 3 miles; classic ski = 8 miles

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