Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 16-22: Earth Day, etc.

I managed to run a couple days this week anyhow.  On Wednesday I got in a nice 3 mile loop in the Dishman Hills after work and before the final service project meeting at REI.  On Thursday I went back to the Dishman Hills, but this time to hike part of my assigned zone to look for places for my group to pick up trash during the service project.  Friday it was back to running again, and again in the Dishman Hills.  I've been hanging out there a lot lately! 

I spent my Saturday working in the garden--working a little too hard in the garden as it turns out.  I ended up with tendinitis in my wrist, which I didn't even know could happen after one nine-hour day of weeding and shoveling and raking!  If I hadn't known better, I would have thought it was broken with the way it was swollen and sticking out at a funny angle.

That made Sunday interesting, since it was the service day project.  I did most everything left handed, and relied heavily on vitamin-I for the rest.  There were so many people there, and the weather was so fabulous!  I'm pretty sure the service project was a great success.  I didn't do much more than lead people to our work site and then lead them back afterwards (with a side-trip through the hinterlands to look for the trash that I'd GPS'd, only to discover that one of the other teams found it before we got there).  All in all, it was a good day.  Then I got to spend the afternoon in the hammock, reading and grading papers. 

Running = 7 miles; hiking = 8 miles

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