Sunday, April 15, 2012

Running again!

I'm able to run again (albeit slowly and painfully).  I ran Centennial Trail on Monday (3.5 miles) and the Saltese Loop on Tuesday (3 miles).  Then I needed to take Wednesday and Thursday off to recover.  At least it was just extreme soreness, not re-injury.  By Friday I was ready to tackle a 3 mile trail run in the Dishman Hills, and then I had to take Saturday off to recover.  I made great progress in the garden, though!  Today I went out to Riverside State Park for one of my favorite 5.5 mile loops.  It was beautiful, and I felt great at first--then my calves and hamstrings tightened up and made for a rough last couple of miles, but I finished it!

Mileage, week of April 9-15, 2012 = 15 miles   

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