Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 7-13, 2012

This week wasn't much of an improvement over last week.  I stopped by my parents' house on Tuesday to get Blaze and run to the top of Antoine Peak (6 miles).  It was a great run, and then I was so sore I could barely walk the next day, so I skipped a Wednesday run.  On Thursday I did an easy loop in the Dishman Hills (3 miles).  Friday I left town for a quick camping trip, and then Saturday I got in another nice long hike while looking for morels (8 miles).  I didn't do as well this weekend; they are drying out and this is the last weekend for the morel hunt of 2012.  Sunday was devoted to gardening and trying to get my poor neglected house in order.

Running = 9 miles; hiking = 8 miles.

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