Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 14-20, 2012

I keep saying I'll do better, and then I keep doing very little.  One of the pitfalls of being an English teacher close to the end of the school year.  I have a mountain of papers to grade, and therefore I cannot make it to the mountain as often as I'd like.

I did manage one trailrun in the Dishman Hills, but other than that, it was a lot of work and very little play during the week.

The weekend was much, much better.  I volunteered to lead a neighbor's church group up Antoine Peak on Saturday, and we had so much fun on this beautiful, sunny day!  I only got us a little lost once (I hope they forgive me--they are a church group after all).  I was a little lost because we started from the Lincoln Road side; I've never been to the top from that side of the mountain.  It was very pretty--I hate to admit it, but it was probably prettier than the Robbins Road side, at least on the lower section.  There were a bunch of yew trees along a creek on that side of the mountain; I don't think I've ever seen yews in Spokane county before.  Of course, the west side of Antoine has the largest juniper tree I have ever seen; I guess it proves that the entire conservation area is spectacular!

Sunday was my super intense gardening day.  I lost track of time again and forgot to save enough time to both run AND grade papers.  Papers won.

Weekly mileage = 3 miles running & 6 miles hiking.

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