Monday, August 30, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

I had my bags (& etc.!) packed for the weekend & loaded in the car so that I could leave directly after xc practice this morning!  I met Deb & Jeff at Deb's house & we started out for Winthrope!

We got to Klipchuck campground around 6pm, and we went out for an easy trailrun right after we registered for camping.  We took the Early Winters Creek Trail which starts right at the campground.  Deb wanted to do a 40 minute run, so she and Jeff turned around at 20 minutes.  I was still feeling okay, and since I was not racing on Saturday I decided to take the trail all the way to its end at Highway 20 (4 miles each way).

It is a pretty enough trail, but it is so brushy!  I had to stop and walk in places because I couldn't see my feet.  I had scratches that were bleeding by the time I finished the run.  I can't believe that a trail that starts in a popular campground right next to the highway would be so brushy!

I was bloodied by the too brushy trail.  Plus I think Deb wants to kill me here.

Today's mileage = 8 miles
August total mileage = 262.8 miles

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