Sunday, August 22, 2010

Trail Work!

Me & my marker of authenticity--courtesy Lynn Smith
Today was trailwork day on Mount Spokane's Trail 140!  That meant it was a low-mileage day for me, since this was trail building, not trail clearing.  It was amazing to see how much work eight people could accomplish in just a few short hours!  The new tread looks great, and I can't wait until we get the whole thing finished up!

How I counted my mileage today = 1 mile back and forth on trail 140; 2.25 miles walk/jogging up to the work site after opening the gate for our early-leavers (first half-way back, then back to the gate & all the way back).

Today's Mileage = 3.25 miles
August Total Mileage = 235.8 miles

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