Today I went to the school and was able to do some xc work while the girls were out running. A couple of the girls used the whirlpool after their run & I joined them--my knees were swollen this morning, and then the calf still hurts. After that I went up to Iller Creek for a hike. I hardly ever hike up there; instead I like to use the trail system up there to get in a quick trail run after work during the school year. The lower section of the trail is in great shape--this is one of the trails I have worked on with the WTA. In fact, there are two sections of the trail that I consider "my sections" because I helped to build them. Iller Creek also made the cut for this month's Backpacker magazine. I was even quoted! The trail is not as spectacular as my usual haunts, but I love how close it is. I think it takes me less than ten minutes to get there from the school.
View from Big Rock |
Trailhead kiosk |
Today's mileage = 5.5
Grand total for the month = 56.86
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