Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Today was the first day that I really started to feel the effects of high mileage without rest days.  It was tough to drag myself out of bed this morning, and my legs just felt heavy.  I decided to postpone plans for a trailrun and just focus on hiking today.

I had plans to meet Mount Spokane State Park Manager Steve Christensen this morning in order to walk a portion of the proposed new/improved trail 140.  This trail will be replacing the old trail 115.  The Mountaineers started work on the upper portion last fall, opening up a section that is approximately 1-mile in length.  Then there were some delays, some postponements of plans, some angry emails, and finally the approvals we needed to continue this badly needed re-route.  Steve was able to bring in some prison crews to finish opening up the entire route--cutting all of the brush and trees that were in the way.  That makes me feel a lot better--the Mountaineers do allow volunteers to do chainsaw work, but I generally feel more comfortable just using traditional tools.  Now that the route is clear, it's just a matter of using handtools to establish the trail tread.  Chris Bachman and I will be leading trailwork on the lower portion of the trail next Sunday.

Steve and I only walked a short section of the trail, so I'm calling it just .25 miles.

Then I returned to the Nordic area for more huckleberries.  I wanted to see if I could find any on the Quartz Mountain/Twin Lakes Loop.  I didn't find many, but I was still very happy that I walked that way.  When I met with Steve I mentioned to him that I was a little disappointed that I haven't seen any moose in the park yet this summer.  I heard one crashing around in the bushes a few weeks ago, but I couldn't see it.  Steve told me a funny story about a mother moose and calf that had been hanging around his house--apparently the baby walked right on his covered back porch in order to peer though his windows!  So again, I was feeling a little sad that I hadn't seen any--and then I saw a big bull moose on the Twin Lakes Trail!
Bull Moose at Mount Spokane!

After that I went back to my usual spot on Shadow Mountain.  I ended cutting approximately .5k from the route because there were so many people out picking this weekend that I headed uphill and off the trail to pick my berries.  I didn't get the mileage I needed, but I am still at least a little ahead for the month--and I have another 1/2 gallon or so besides!

A pretty butterfly I saw while hiking
It would be better if the butterfly wasn't on a thistle flower--I asked it to land on a pretty wildflower, but it wouldn't listen.
View from the Quartz Mountain Trail
Nordic trails hiked: out on Valley View, Larch, Lodge Pole, Quartz Mountain, Twin Lakes, around most of Shadow Mountain getting huckleberries, then back on Shady Way, Lodge Pole, Alpine, and Mountain View. [8.39 miles here + 1/4 mile on trail 140]

Today's total mileage = 8.64 miles
August total mileage = 157.15 miles

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