Thursday, August 18, 2011

All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds?

That's right, I spent a good part of the day tending to my garden.  Tending to my yard isn't going to be quite as much fun anymore, however; I discovered that someone has stolen my cool old wooden reel mower.  :(  My uncle fixed it up and gave it to me so that I could save gas, save the environment, and get a workout while mowing (I loved to push it while running back and forth across my little strip of grass).  Now it's gone.

And someone broke into my basement, too.  I discovered that when I turned out the lights to go to bed last night--there was a sliver of light on my back lawn.  I investigated and found the basement door ajar and the light on.  The door was still locked, but open.  Freaky.

And then two nights ago I found the strange vehicle parked near my house, the woman inside claiming she "lived just down the road" and was "just hanging out, is that okay?"  I replied that it made me nervous when people "just hang out" by my house at 10:30pm and I'd rather she went elsewhere.  She complied; perhaps it was innocent and unrelated, but now I wonder.  I'm getting photos of all strange vehicles in the future (I went out to get the license plate number, not realizing there was anyone inside; when she got out, I didn't get the number.  Next time, photo.).

At any rate, after all of that stress and my shattered sense of neighborhood safety, I needed a good run tonight.  I returned to Mount Spokane, parked at the switchback lot, and ran up 110 to the Mt. Kit Carson Loop and took that all the way back to the trailhead.  It felt pretty good until the last 1/2 mile when I got a bit of a twinge in my left calf.  I decided I'd better play it safe and walk the rest of the way back.

Mileage = 7.6

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