Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Purple palms!

I had every good intention of getting up early, going for a trail run, and then going for huckleberries.  Really I did.  It's just that I was sooooo sore when I woke up!  Instead, I enjoyed the sunrise over Spirit Lake (gorgeous!) and then went back to sleep.  When I finally got up (nearly 7am; the sun was up and I was roasting in the sleeping bag and bivy sack) I opted for the coffee rather than the run, and then I hiked out on the Nordic trails to find the good huckleberries.  I didn't return to the chalet until nearly 3pm, and I now have somewhere around a gallon of fresh huckleberries.  Time to get out the pancake mix!

Trails hiked = Mountain View, Alpine, Lodgepole, Shady Way, Twin Lakes, Buckland; return via Twin Lakes, Raven Glide, Hemlock, Sam's Swoop, & Bear Grass.
Hint = the best huckleberries were on Twin Lakes and Buckland  :)

Mileage = 6.3

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