Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Liberty Creek Falls Loop with the team

Every year the team finishes our campout with a trailrun to Liberty Creek Falls.  Some of the girls turn back there for a 10k run, but the varsity continues all the way up to the boy scout cabin and then completes the loop by running down the Edith Hanson Bridal Trail on the other side.  The girls ran great today!  Many of them absolutely love trails now, and they are getting to be so tough on the hills that I can't keep up with several of them anymore!  In fact, we realized that of our three sophomores running with the front pack today, only one of them made it as far as the waterfall last year; the other two turned back at the cedar grove.  This year, all three beat me back after completing the entire loop!

Mileage = 7.5

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