Saturday, August 27, 2011

You Knothead!

Instead of Cutthroat, a funeral.  I still had time for a morning run, however.  It's no spectacular 11-mile trail race, but the Little Spokane River Natural Area is still a nice place for a run.  I started at Indian Painted Rocks, where the trail parallels the Little Spokane River for 1.7 miles.  From there, it crosses a paved road or driveway (I'm not sure which), and then it's 5.7 miles back to the trailhead on the Knothead Trail.  Before today I did not know that was the name of the trail, but somehow it seems fitting for me!  (Just ask my mom.  She'd second that.)  It has been a long time since I have done this loop, and I've never done it in this direction.  It was very nice!  I also saw the Shadle CC team at the trailhead--none of the girls ever caught me, so they must have been doing an out-and-back on the lower trail.

Today's mileage = 7.4
River visited = Little Spokane River

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