Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 9, 2011: Salmo Loop!

The Salmo Loop is a hike-a-thon favorite; I do it every year, and last year I did it twice!  There aren't too many loops like this one: an inland temperate rain forest with huge old growth trees; a river to follow for miles; a ridge with views of Canada, Washington, Idaho, and Montana; wildflowers everywhere; and a chance to see wildlife, including rare wildlife (still no sign of the elusive caribou, however).

Jeff J. was the brave soul who joined me for this year's loop in a day.  He had never hiked it before, and said that this was only his second trip into the Salmo Priest Wilderness.

We hiked down 506 first so that we wouldn't have that steep three mile section at the end of the day.  The river crossing was really tame this time, and we spent a long time admiring rocks after we crossed the river.  I wish I could remember more from that geology class I took in college; the rocks up there are so pretty!  We went to the Salmo Cabin, spooked a moose (well, we think it was a moose--we only heard something BIG run off into the woods and saw its obvious bed next to the trail).

Once we made it to the ridge we went up to the Little Snowy Top Lookout, where I saw the strangest juxtaposition of reading material ever assembled: a copy of Playboy next to a copy of the New Testament.  Nearby were some dice.  Also a compass:  not a moral compass!  Somebody had a sense of humor.

The wildflowers on the Shedroof Divide were spectacular.  The lupine were just starting; the tiger lilies, larkspur, and columbine were in full bloom; and there were a lot of flowers that I couldn't even identify.

Today's mileage: 21.5 miles
Rivers visited: Salmo River

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