Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Easy hike and cool find

I am determined to avoid a zero-mileage day this hike-a-thon, but I was still not feeling very well today.  I decided I'd better not try the Mountaineers' Wednesday night hike, but I still wanted to go to Mount Spokane.  I figured out a great way to make the hike easier, too!  It's practically cheating, but I took both Kari and Blaze with me.  I got out their skijor two-dog leash and clipped it to my hip belt on my backpack, and they practically pulled me up the big hill on trail 120A!  Then I hiked out 120 for a mile, turned around to come back, and returned via 120B.  And the cool find?  Not long after I turned around I was coming around a switchback on the trail and noticed something bright-white on the downhill side.  I debated not checking it out, but I'm glad I did in the end--I found a cool buck skull, antlers still attached!  It's a 2x3.  I didn't have the camera with me, so I had to wait until I got home to have Kari and Blaze pose with it for posterity.

Daily total: 3.2 miles (at least it's not zero!)

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