Monday, August 15, 2011

Paying the price for my weekend

Yesterday wasn't bad, but today my knees hurt.  I iced in the morning, and I'd better go ice again as soon as I finish this post.

I decided that I really needed to go for a trailrun tonight.  For one thing, I spent most of my day catching up on my garden so I was short on time in the afternoon, and running my miles takes significantly less time than walking them.  For another thing, I have Cutthroat to worry about.  I have learned that no matter how much I hike, hiking does not make me a faster runner.  At least running makes me a faster hiker!

At any rate, I knew I needed the flattest trails I could find; Centennial Trail's pavement would only make my knees worse, so that left the Nordic area.  I ran out on Brian's Hill, Sam's Swoop, Lodgepole, and Quartz Mountain, and then returned via Twin Lakes, Shady Way, Silver, Blue Jay, and Valley View.  While I was out there I found a good patch of ripe huckleberries; guess where I'm hiking tomorrow?

Today's mileage: 7.9

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