Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011: Cross country starts and finding time to hike gets tough

Day one for the 2011 cross country season!  We had practice at 8am and we had to shop for the team campout immediately after practice.  I didn't make it home until nearly 3pm, and I'd only had a couple of energy bars and a granola bar for lunch.  I ate some peanut butter and took off for Mount Spokane to get in a short run--I'm still determined to avoid a zero-mileage day!  I started at the park entrance and ran up trail 110 and did the short trail 100 loop before returning to the car.

I also found out that the funeral is set for Saturday.  No Cutthroat Classic for me after all.  I was feeling ready, too!  Next year...

Mileage = 4.2 

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